Monday, January 5, 2009

MELTON"S all together......

Kirk, Teresa, Greg Debra, Mark and Wayne...yes I know that Mark is the shortest!!!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year with all of Mark's family. We have not all been together I think in like 5 years or something crazy like that......the picture of the girls are Natasha, McKayla, Kylie, Chloe and Tataina......Then one big family photo is everyone except Mark's mother Joyce who passed away....what a legecy she has left behind.....we really enjoyed seeing everybody, playing with all the kids, the family drama, and playin guitar hero..


Teresa said...

Well, he isn't quite the shortest . . . I am the runt in the family . . . oh well ;) CUTE PICS!

sibling#1 said...

Looks like you had a great christmas. It is always awesome to have the whole family celebrate together. Maybe next year it should be are turn to have everyone there. Lisa you are looking great. That picture makes you look just like mom.